Staying Power takes around three hours for complete absorption. It stays at a peak level in your horses’ system for a further three hours before gradually declining throughout the day. It is worth keeping this in mind so you can adjust how much you feed, and when you feed, to suit your needs.
To build strength, to support muscle health or to support a healthy metabolism:
It is necessary to feed Staying Power every day. The optimum feeding rate is 5ml per 100Kg given twice daily. For example, a 500Kg horse would receive 25ml morning and night.
You can double this amount the evening before and in the morning of more strenuous exercise. The double amount can be maintained for as long as you need e.g. when competing on consecutive days.
For low exercise tolerance, young horses, fittening etc:
Feed as above but you can vary the amount according requirement i.e. how much your horse is working, heat, ground etc. You may find that it is sufficient to feed Staying Power only once a day.
If you do not need the benefit of Staying Power all of the time:
For irregular occurrences (lessons, competition, travelling etc.), feed a double amount the day before and on the day. Maintain the double amount for as long as is needed.
Staying Power Concentrated Syringes:
You can use the syringes on their own or in conjunction with Staying Power Liquid
Administer 3hrs before effect is required.
If you are not able to allow the full absorption time, it may be preferable to give half a syringe the night before and half in the morning. This is also best for ponies.
Horses not on the Liquid can be given a full syringe the night before and a second in the morning for maximum effect.