Ali Garbutt

“This product is FANTASTIC!!!! My dog, who is 6 years old, gets half a ml morning and night on chicken paste and it has changed her life !!!! I have tried various products which have only ‘touched’ her problem –  now my dog has her life back !! Two years ago she got a fright while she was on the beach when a large kite crashed down beside her, since that day she became frightened of all noises….car doors slamming, overhead planes, any ‘droning’ sounds, gunshots, she would constantly shake all night, every night, in the house with worry & she would run away when she saw kites flying, windsurfers, wind turbines etc. It was heartbreaking to see her like this, even my vet couldn’t help apart from putting her on a sedative which, I considered, a definite no-no. I can’t tell you how happy I feel – I’ve now got my dog back and she is having a wonderful ‘stress free’ life !!!!!!!

I will keep her on Stress-Less for the time being……possibly forever…..



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