Caroline Hamer

“I had to write to tell you how impressed I am with this product. I was very, very skeptical but also getting desperate. I have 3 horses, 16.3 ID xTB (a very marish mare), a 15.1h WB x TB youngster and an 11.2 Welsh Section A. The calmer was bought for the Section A.  She is a lovely pony who was very successful in her first season (last year) in lead rein classes but she was extremely nervous and spooked easily (badly treated in a previous home).  With a 4 yr old child on board we were always on pins waiting for something to happen – it never did but that was only because we were so cautious – a spooky pony and young rider is a very wearing combination.  I had tried a number of highly recommended calmers with little success.  I then read some reviews on the Nupafeed calmer and thought I’d give it a go – I’d never heard of the product but my nerves couldn’t stand another spooky season.  It took about 3 weeks to work completely but the transformation is quite literally unbelievable – if I hadn’t seen it myself I would not have believed it.  The 4 yr old now rides the pony off lead rein at home.  The pony is calm and relaxed but still nicely forward going.  Obviously a 4 yr old rider still needs constant attention but at last we are all enjoying seeing the two of them have fun and can relax a little bit and can look forward to the coming season.

I have started my 16.3h mare on the calmer now.  She can be incredibly hot to ride and I am already seeing some improvement after 7 days. The youngster will also be going on it if she needs it.  I have just ordered 5 litres so that I don’t run out!!! Thank you so much for such a wonderful product.  I have never written to a supplier before but I am so blown away by this product I felt I should tell you about my experience.”


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