Cathy Willis, Marathon Driving

“I had to let you know what wonderful results I have been getting since I have been feeding my Pony who competes at National Horse Driving Trials on your Staying Power.

At the vettings on the marathon she is constantly coming in with a pulse rate of 60 and below (this has never been known in the past normally comes in at 70 and then drops). She looks absolutely fantastic and the comments from Judges and Vets have been great, i.e. she’s not sweating, have you competed the previous section?.

Even my equine sports therapist cannot believe the change in her muscle definition and her top line. I know she is working but her work pattern has not changed from last year, so it has to be the staypower. Thanks again for a wonderful product.”


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“I have used Nupafeed MAH on several occasions with highly strung racehorses. The results have been very noticeable and the horses have worked in a much more relaxed manner. They have been happier in themselves and have thrived on Nupafeed.”