Jenny Fletcher

“My son Connor received a fabulous Shetland pony for Christmas this year, we bought Archie to Race in the Shetland pony grand national. Archie had never raced before we purchased him, we took him to the training day to find out how he would behave and to see if he would be allowed to race and hopefully be allowed to do the qualifiers for Olympia! All went very well and we were asked to race at a show doing a display in front of a large audience with music and cheering (not to mention the helicopter taking off and landing next to our warm up!) Unfortunately our angel of a pony erupted into a fire breathing dragon spinning rearing and just completely unmanageable biting me the leader, just completely stressed out by the whole situation. We hated seeing Archie like this as it was just not him at all.

3 people at that show, one being Phillip Mitchel race horse trainer, highly recommended I try Nupafeed MAH, well if it’s good enough for 3 people to mention it I was going to give it a whirl! Our next show was Royal Windsor, Archie had been on his Nupafeed calmer day and night for the last week and we certainly noticed the difference – no bucking, rearing or spinning and he wasn’t frightened,

 However Archie still wasn’t 100% so Trish Mitchell advised me to try a syringe of Nupafeed MAH 1.5hrs before our next race on the Sunday which we did …. OMG this stuff really works! Archie was his bold brave normal self and marched down to the start line and behaved impeccably! He went on to win his heat and then came 2nd in the final absolutely amazing, it didn’t affect his speed or performance just calmed him down in what is a very stressful situation for him pre racing. I swear by Nupafeed, in fact I have just ordered the Flex GLM joint supplement too! I can’t thank you enough, your advice and product have really worked for Archie!”


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