joanna francis

Joanna Francis

“We were having huge problems with our horse Flo, not only did see look awful in her coat she felt awful. You could bearly touch her passed her shoulder without her trying to either kick or bite you. We feared she had stomach/hind gut discomfort. Having spoken to the incredibly helpful Nupafeed team they sent me BSC Gastro and wow what a difference it made. After just 2 weeks she was a much happier horse and we could touch her without such a big reaction. Over the next 2 months her coat looked the best I’d ever seen it and she became less and less sensitive and so much more relaxed, not only in mind but also body putting on weight for the first time in over a year. I would highly recommend this product as it certainly did the trick for my horse.

Many thanks for giving me the opportunity to try this product on my horse it’s made such a difference to her life and mine!  We now have her and another of my horses on BSC SeaBuckthorn.”


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