Natalie Widdowson

“My horse Gorgeous George has always been a very spooky, sharp horse who can be frightened of his own shadow. Unfortunately this has led to sometimes having some very costly mistakes at competitions. I had tried every calmer under the sun but with no effect. At the northern Winter Regionals this year (2015) I had a chat with someone from Nupafeed and decided to give MAH a try. We went on to become Reserve Regional Champion at advanced medium freestyle and PSG freestyle with over 74% and 71%. I qualified directly for the Winter Nationals for the advanced medium and got a last minute wild card for the PSG. The PSG was on gala night in front of a packed crowd which would normally have been George’s worst nightmare and as I travelled down on the same day I didn’t get to do the arena walk. George had his Nupafeed MAH and was as cool as a cucumber in the big ring. He pulled off a faultless test to finish 11th. He then went on to finish 10th in a very big strong advanced medium freestyle class. I have continued to use Nupafeed at premier league shows and am thrilled with his top ten finishes and great scores. Very excited about our future!”


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“We have several horses on Nupafeed MAH Calmer. It’s used on those that are, like their Trainer, rather highly strung!!”