nikki leach

Nikki Leach

“I just wanted to send a massive thank you to you all for transforming my horse!! I have a very spooky 6 year old Danish Warmblood who has been competing at prelim and novice level BD for the last 18 months.  He really struggles to hold it together in both the warm up and the arena and we often have “moments” in the middle of the test where he spooks, especially at Summerhouse!

I started him on your MAH calmer just over a week ago and at the weekend we attended the unaffiliated dressage festival at Summerhouse.  He had just reached the end of the loading phase so I used the top up syringes on the morning each day along with his daily amount and he was a completely different horse!!! For the first time ever he completed all tests without spooking in the middle, and he ended up winning 3 out of his 4 elementary classes! We came third overall in the rider placings so won our first trophy and sash and I am just so pleased that I could ride him and breathe without waiting for the next explosion!! He also tied up at the lorry and even relaxed for the first time ever – normally we have to hold him or stand with him and it was just lovely to see him enjoying the weekend!

Thank you so much from a very happy Nikki and Zumba!”


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