Nupafeed Dog_Stress-Less_Calming for Dogs_Pam Etheridge

Pam Etheredge

“This is my 23 month old Border Collie who up to the age of 11 months was fine being handled in the show ring by anyone. Suddenly she became terrified about being handled in the ring and it was impossible to get near her body. She was too frightened to listen to my commands. After reading about Stress-Less I decided to give it a try. I received very helpful and friendly advice. After one week of a morning amount I topped it up in the evening and a little more in the morning before entering the ring.  Slight leaning on me but listened to my command and stood. By the afternoon she stood calmly and at ease. Last weekend we were out Saturday and Sunday. Saturday Diva won two classes and was remarked on her behaviour. Sunday she got B.O.B and group 2. I am so pleased as it was distressing to see Diva so unhappy in the ring and difficult to understand as she was friendly and at ease outside the ring!”


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