‘We were apprehensive to take our 2yr old filly to the grading as she had never left the farm. But after a course of Nupafeed MAH Calmer beforehand and a calming Syringe prior to travelling – she loaded and behaved with the most perfect manners’
‘We were apprehensive to take our 2yr old filly to the grading as she had never left the farm. But after a course of Nupafeed MAH Calmer beforehand and a calming Syringe prior to travelling – she loaded and behaved with the most perfect manners’
“I bought Finn as a ‘cheap bargain’ dressage horse about 18 months ago & it did not take long for my vet & physio to unravel the physical problems underlying his ‘naughty’ behaviour. The physical issues were resolved relatively quickly, […]