Justcallmehandsome – Trained by J French-Davies

“I bred Handsome but he had a very troubled time as a two year, and eventually I was told would probably never get onto a racecourse. He was the sweetest horse in every way, but suffered badly with nerves, and as we were trying to school him as a riding horse, this became more of a problem. I looked on the internet for calmers, and came across Nupafeed and thought I would give it a try. The transformation did not happen overnight, but he grew in confidence until one day, watching him galloping around the paddock, I decided to give him one more chance in training.

Dominic was very patient and respected my wish to keep him on Nupafeed. His team at Windy Hollow spent a lot of time building the horses’ confidence, which was greatly rewarded for us when he won his first race at Southwell. He has now to date won 9 races and continues his racing career with Dominic. He is not always an easy ride but Kirsty loves him and will hardly ever give the ride to anyone else. He hardly has any Nupafeed anymore as he has now grown to love racing, but he is a stickler for routine and gets a bit worried if he is asked to do something different. Then the syringes come in useful! I have absolutely no doubt that the changes came about by using Nupafeed and I have continued to use it on many of my other horses that need a calming influence, whether it be for racing, traveling or showing.”  

Mrs Jackie Taylor (Owner)


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