mia korenika showjumping coach

Mia Korenika

“At 18 years young Nessa (Oroness) is jumping as well as she ever has (and that means extremely well). This is our 11th season together, she’s a grade A that has been produced through the grades and has jumped up to national grand prix level. Ness is a specialist in whatever you ask her to do, this season already she’s won a 6 bar competition, jumped the small derby at Hickstead and been placed in several 1.30m classes at national and county shows on grass and on a surface. She’s been on Nupafeed Flex GLM for the last 3 years. It’s fundamental to her health and the fantastic ability she has and continues to be able to show especially as she matures. The flex is one part of her daily routine that I would not change and have felt a marked difference in her ever since we have used it, I highly recommend it to anyone (and everyone!)”


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